نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری سیاستگذاری عمومی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات ، تهران ، ایران

2 استاد علوم سیاسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران


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عنوان مقاله [English]

Identification of the Government in Textbooks Based on the Cognitive Approach

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohamad mahdi Golshahi 1
  • Shoja Ahmadvand 2

1 PhD Student, Department of Public Policy, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
How to recognize national identity is important for children and teenagers; Because how social behavior appears in adulthood is a function of how national identity is understood and attitudes towards society's values in childhood and adolescence. Based on this, governments try to institutionalize their desired and preferred identity in society, especially among children and adolescents. In order to organize their desired social order in this way, the governments rely on textbooks and pay special attention to identity building through narrative or story within the framework of the education system and textbooks. Through the representation of people, historical events and social and political concepts, textbooks play an important role in shaping the attitudes and behavior of students. 17th and returns with the emergence of new nation-states and the formation of the national education system. In this period, in addition to the emergence of class social consciousness under the industrial process, competition between socio-economic and political groups among nation-states was formed to form a committed and nationalist force in the framework of the newly formed concepts resulting from the independence of independent nation-states. As a result, a large part of the institutionalized or formalized education program was directed to the education of the ideological attitudes and programs of the nation-states, and competition was created between the nation-states and their educational systems. During these developments, the school as the main center of education It was formed and one of the most central areas of education, which is the creation of national identity, was noticed in the framework of formal education in countries such as Germany, France, Italy, America and England. This process, i.e. rebuilding and reforming the national identity through educational policies in Iran, started from the era of Abbas Mirza with the arrival of new civilizational facilities and the establishment of Dar al-Funun, political science school, missionary schools and Roshdiyeh, and until the signing of the constitutional decree in 1285 in the framework of Educational modernization and reform continued, but it was never able to change Iran's educational system from an inefficient and traditional system to a coherent educational system resulting from a modern state, but this is important as the reconstruction of Iran's cultural identity in order to form a modern and absolute state in the period of Reza Shah. Attention was paid and it became the fundamental pillar of his nascent government in different dimensions by focusing on modern education and in the second Pahlavi era, it found a broader aspect by relying on the reconstruction of ancient Iranian culture, as Alessandro Busani called it Aryan and Neo-Achaemenid nationalism. This process continued with fundamental changes during the Islamic revolution with the formation of concepts such as Islamic-Iranian identity centered on religious identity and national elements such as language and history, which centered on the books of heavenly gifts and social studies in elementary school in order to socialize students with The centrality of Islamic-Iranian identity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to put the cognitive theory as the focus of the three emotional, cognitive and metacognitive aspects, taking into account components such as culture and art, history, geography, religion, national symbols, mythology and national celebrities, and the policy of answering this The question is which primary school textbooks emphasize more on which components of national identity have had and which representation model have they used.
Materials and Methods
Regarding the research method, it should be mentioned that the data collection is done in the document-library method and the data analysis is done in the content analysis method. In this research, all the texts, images and questions of thirteen books of the fourth, fifth and sixth grade elementary courses, including Persian, writing, heavenly gifts, social studies and sixth grade thinking and research, are collected and in eight components of culture and art (including literature, including works literature, literary celebrities, calligraphy, painting, music, drama and handicrafts); National and local norms and traditions (including national customs, patriotism, national celebrations); History and historical works (including historical stories and events, inscriptions, bridges, palaces); Geography (including soil, weather, mountains, lakes); National legends and celebrities (including Rostam, Sohrab, Esfandiar, Shahnameh Ferdowsi, Khayyam, Razi, Abu Ali Sina); national symbols (including flag, anthem, language, map and calendar); Politics and government (including political history, political system, political personality, revolution and type of government, sacred defense); and religion (including religious elders, religious rituals and holy places) are divided. Then, based on our understanding of the three emotional, cognitive and metacognitive aspects in the framework of cognitive theory, we placed these components and its indicators in one of these three aspects to find out through which aspect (emotional, cognitive or metacognitive) the symbols of national identity. Children are induced.
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of the content analysis of the target textbooks, out of 129 examined phrases and questions, 62 had an emotional aspect; That is, by using values and an epic and emotional narrative, they expressed and explained the components of national identity. 42 cases had a cognitive aspect; That is, their centrality was the narrative and historical aspects and students' familiarity with a topic, concept or historical event; Here, the emotional aspect (sadness, happiness, etc.) is not a priority and it is only for familiarization and awareness. 25 items were metacognitive; That is, the function of the components, concepts, and their role in shaping the national identity was considered, which was mostly expressed in the form of questions and analysis, which confirmed the initial assumption of the research as the emotional representation of the components of the national identity and paying less attention to the cognitive and metacognitive dimensions. About the second hypothesis, it should be noted that the priority of national identity representation in textbooks is not functional and metacognitive, and this approach does not form the basis of national identity representation in primary school textbooks, but more on the emotional and cognitive aspect centered on the historical narrative. has been discussed and has an essentialist approach rather than a metacognitive and functional one. In fact, in the textbooks, the narrative and emotional aspects of some concepts are emphasized, and the functions and application of the national identity components in shaping the national identity have not been paid much attention. Most of the components of national identity were only emotional, and its function and importance were not properly explained, and it did not lead to the formation of a whole unit called national identity, and did not create a duty in students to preserve and continue the concepts and heritage presented, and only tried to show acceptance. Giving these concepts was done by emphasizing the emotional and value aspects of the concepts.
By examining the results of the research, it can be seen that national identity is not represented in textbooks based on cognitive and functional indicators, but often based on emotional indicators. in most cases, the emotional aspect is emphasized in religious components. For example, in the representation of events and epic stories such as the incident of Karbala, the characters and events of the beginning of Islam, and stories such as Arash Kamangir, more emphasis is placed on the emotional and emotional aspect, and on the cognitive and functional aspects of standing and resistance and the role of such stories in the formation of national identity throughout history and not mentioned. Therefore, instead of children and teenagers getting to know the cognitive and functional aspects of identity and its components and then deepening these functions using the emotional aspect, they get to know more about the emotional aspect of national identity and are unfamiliar with its function. This causes the education given about national identity to be ineffective because due to the lack of familiarity with the cognitive and functional aspects of national identity, students do not have an intellectual coherence and analytical framework. When faced with a stronger emotional stimulus that has a greater impact They replace the learned concepts and this is what causes the formation of value conflict and confused mentality of students. Therefore, elementary school textbooks should be revised from the perspective of characterizing and norming under identity politics, and the metacognitive aspect.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Identity formation
  • National identity
  • Textbooks
  • Cognitive approach
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