نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار علوم سیاسی گرایش مسائل ایران، دانشگاه بین‌المللی امام خمینی (ره)، قزوین، ایران

2 استاد علوم سیاسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران


زمین و نحوه توزیع و بهره‌برداری از آن، به عنوان یک مؤلفه مهم در نظام طبقاتی جامعه روستایی، از دیرباز مورد توجه حکومت‌ها بوده و مخصوصاً پس از وقوع انقلاب‌های کمونیستی، دستخوش تغییراتی بنیادی می‌گردد. از جمله در انقلاب‌های کمونیستی این مورد به چشم می‌خورد. در این کشورها، دولت سوسیالیستی نوپا بلافاصله به سیاست زمین و اصلاحات ارضی توجه ویژه‌ای نشان می‌دهد و تلاش می‌کند تا زمین، مطابق با آرمان‌های یک جامعه کمونیستی باز توزیع شود. شوروی، چین و کوبا سه کشوری هستند که انقلاب کمونیستی را تجربه کرده‌اند. هدف این مقاله، بررسی و تبیین اصلاحات ارضی و سیاست زمین دولت‌های سوسیالیستی منبعث از انقلاب‌های کمونیستی چین، روسیه و کوبا است. روش تحقیق این پژوهش، روش مقایسه‌ای و با استناد به منابع کتابخانه‌ای از زبان‌های اصلی است. بر اساس یافته‌های این تحقیق، سیاست زمین در انقلاب شوروی عبارت بود از: سیاست زمین متصلب کالخوزی، سیاست زمین منعطف کالخوزی و سیاست زمین بریگاردهای قراردادی. سیاست زمین در انقلاب چین عبارت بود از: سیاست زمین به شیوه کشاورزی خانوادگی، سیاست زمین به شیوه کشاورزی جمعی، سیاست زمین به شیوه کمون، سیاست زمین به شیوه تعاونی روستایی. سیاست زمین در انقلاب کوبا عبارت بود از: سیاست زمین به شیوه مالکیت عمومی، سیاست زمین مبتنی بر ملی کردن اراضی و سیاست زمین به شیوه تعاونی‌های مشارکتی.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Revolution and Earth; Agrarian Reforms and Land Policy of Revolutionary Socialist States

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad javad Moosanezhad 1
  • Mohammad Bagher Khorramshad 2

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Land and its distribution and exploitation, as an important component in the class system of rural society, has long been the concern of governments, and especially after the occurrence of communist revolutions, it undergoes fundamental changes. Among other things, this can be seen in communist revolutions. In these countries, the nascent socialist government immediately pays special attention to land policy and agrarian reforms and tries to redistribute the land by the ideals of a communist society. The Soviet Union, China, and Cuba are three countries that have experienced a communist revolution. Our country, Iran, has witnessed the implementation of land policies in two different periods. One is the land reform before the revolution in 1961, which was in line with liberal policies, and the other is the land division policy of the years after the Islamic Revolution, which was a revolutionary policy. Considering the experience of land reforms in Iran and the fact that this issue is a very important issue for the rural society of Iran, therefore, taking advantage of the experience of other countries in the field of land reforms and land policy can be useful and effective for understanding and analyzing this great social event. be It is also important to point out that despite the importance and sensitivity of the land issue in Iran and the experience of two periods of land division in the country, unfortunately, there are no written Persian sources and texts on this matter that have examined the experience of other countries in this field. does not have in this regard, the researchers of this study tried to provide new information about the land distribution policy in these countries in the Persian language by using the original texts in English and Russian languages.
Materials AND Methods
The purpose of this article is to examine and explain the land reforms and land policy of the socialist governments stemming from the communist revolutions of China, Russia, and Cuba. The research method of this study is a comparative method based on library resources of the main languages.
Results and Discussion
By reviewing the land reform process in China, Iran, and Cuba, it can be said that all socialist countries followed a specific policy in this matter. These countries first tried to make fundamental changes in agricultural structures based on their ideological goals. This issue can be seen from Communist China led by Mao to Fidel Castro and even Lenin. It can be said that the spirit governing these revolutions was the same due to the ideology of communism, but it was different from one society to another. With time, the structures of the communist countries moved away from the revolutionary state. Many of the ideals of the founders of socialism seemed unachievable, and on the other hand, these countries, which were mostly far from democratic standards, had problems justifying the people. Although none of the countries officially announced that they failed in their initial goals., The subsequent policies of the statesmen were aimed at maintaining the appearance of these structures based on agriculture, but with changes to make them profitable. This can be seen in cooperative approaches, which were a form of informal acceptance of private ownership.
In many of these countries, like Russia, we are facing the collapse of communist governments, the subsequent governments turned to de-socialism as the first step, but mostly they were not very successful. Because the structures of the communist era were so rooted in the peasant society that they made changes difficult. As a result of the changes that were tried to take place after the collapse, the market was so chaotic that it was not clear that the strategy of communism was in question and not the free market. We see an example of it in Russia. In addition, in this country, Yeltsin's differences with the Duma (which was in the hands of the communists) did not allow the government to maneuver much, and this itself caused conflicts. That too in a situation where the only thing the government needed was a consensus on reforms.
The common point of all these land policies, seen after the great communist revolutions, is the lack of attention to the issue of private property. Private property, an inherent and natural thing for humans, was destroyed by these governments, and non-private property methods, whether collective, state, or public, were used. This lack of attention to the inherent rights of human beings caused the land redistribution programs in the communist governments, which were also carried out on an immense scale, to face failure after several decades and the mentioned governments to implement land policies based on Private property move.
Based on the findings of this research, the land policy in the Soviet revolution consisted of: the rigid land policy of the collective farm, the flexible land policy of the farm, and the land policy of the contractual brigades. The land policy in the Chinese Revolution was: land policy in the family farming style, land policy in the collective farming style, land policy in the commune style, and land policy in the rural cooperative style. The land policy in the Cuban Revolution consisted of land policy based on public ownership, land policy based on land nationalization, and land policy based on cooperative cooperatives.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Revolution
  • Land
  • State
  • Land Policy
  • Land Reform
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