نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار روابط بین المللی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران

2 دانشجوی دکتری روابط بین‌الملل واحد علوم تحققیقات دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران


قدرت نرم ابزاری است که کشورهای مختلف با توجه به توانایی تأثیرگذاری بر آحاد یک جامعه در حوزه روابط بین‎الملل به کار می‎گیرند. دولت چین با استفاده از ابزارهای مختلف و با توجه به نگاه منطقه‌گرایی در سیاست خارجی خود، قدرت نرم را برای نفوذ هرچه بیشتر در کشورهای هدف مورداستفاده قرار می‎دهد. منطقه آسیای مرکزی از دیرباز دارای روابط فرهنگی اجتماعی و اقتصادی با چین بوده است. قوم‎های مختلفی که در منطقه آسیای مرکزی وجود دارند و همسایگی بلافصل با این منطقه، ظرفیت و فرصت مناسبی برای چین است که با توجه به صبغه عملکردی و  بازار تجاری بکر در این منطقه نفوذ خود را در آسیای مرکزی گسترش دهد. برای حصول این منظور، دولت چین توجهی ویژه به قدرت نرم داشته و ابزارهای مختلفی را برای توسعه قدرت نرم خود در این منطقه به کار گرفته است که اصلی‌ترین طرح آن جاده ابریشم جدید یا همان طرح «یک کمربند-یک‌راه» است که هزینه‌‎های زیادی را برای این طرح صرف کرده است؛ بااین‌وجود، با چالش‎های بزرگی روبرو است.  این پژوهش در چارچوب نظریه قدرت نرم  و با روش توصیفی -تحلیلی  به دنبال پاسخ‎گویی به این سؤال است که دولت چین چگونه از قدرت نرم به‌عنوان ابزاری در جهت توسعه‌طلبی خود در آسیای مرکزی استفاده می‌‎کند؟ در این مقاله استدلال می‎شود که دولت چین با استفاده از ابزارهای قدرت نرم خود در ابعاد فرهنگی، سیاسی و اقتصادی،کشورهای منطقه آسیای مرکزی را تحت تأثیر قرار می‎دهد که البته در این مسیر با چالش‎هایی از جمله قدرت‎‌‌‌های منطقه‌ای و فرا منطقه‌ای چون روسیه، امریکا و هند، بنیادگرایی اسلامی، و عدم جذابیت فرهنگی روبرو است که بر قدرت نرم آن تأثیر منفی دارند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Expansionism Policy of the Chinese Government in Central Asia Based on Soft Power

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hamid Hakim 1
  • Emad Helalat 2

1 Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student, Department of International Relations, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Soft power is a tool utilized by different actors in the evolving international system based on their capabilities. In this transformed international system, soft power becomes a vital element in increasing influence over international outcomes, as it makes it more difficult to coerce countries and non-state actors through traditional hard power tools that mean threats and force.
The People's Republic of China is one of the influential actors in the realm of international relations. Its large economy, ranking second in the world, has enabled the country to utilize its economic power as a tool to advance its goals. According to most experts in the field of economics and international relations, China is projected to surpass the United States as the world's leading economy by 2030 and establish itself as a dominant economic power on the international stage, although Joseph Nye disputes this notion in his book "The Intelligent Power."
Over the past few decades, China's foreign policy has pursued different dimensions and forms of power in the international arena, in line with its domestic environment and international circumstances. China's bitter historical experience in dealing with Western powers and enduring the era of humiliation, as well as the ideological components stemming from the Communist revolution, shaped its foreign policy during Mao's era with a strong hardware-oriented approach to power and a focus on win-lose dynamics. With the emergence of Deng Xiaoping, China's foreign policy outlook shifted towards a process of power acquisition and security enhancement. Since the 1990s, significant changes have occurred in China's domestic and international conditions, as the emphasis solely on one dimension of power made the country vulnerable to long-term interests. It was in the mid-1990s that soft power gained a special position in China's foreign policy. Jiang Zemin believed that due to various internal and international reasons, China had to incorporate new dimensions of power, including soft power, into its agenda to change its position and ensure security.
Among the influential regions targeted by China, which shares over 1,800 kilometers of border with it, is Central Asia. This geographical proximity has fostered economic, political, and even cultural links between China and the countries of this region. The historical Silk Road, which originated in China and extended through Central Asia and Iran towards Europe, has strengthened these connections. In this regard, Chinese elites also strive to showcase their soft power on the global stage and in the direction of defeating enemies by utilizing the country's traditional culture, values, and teachings, combined with modern culture.
The main objective of this research is to highlight China's development-oriented policies in the Central Asian region. The significance of this research lies in the fact that Central Asia is considered part of Iran's cultural sphere, and Iranian culture and art have a significant presence in this region. This research adopts a descriptive-analytical approach to answer the question of how the Chinese government employs soft power as a tool for its development ambitions in Central Asia. The article argues that by utilizing its soft power tools in cultural, political, and economic dimensions, the Chinese government influences the countries of the Central Asian region. However, it also faces challenges that hurt its soft power. This research examines the soft power of China, its capacities, tools, and challenges by addressing the concept of soft power and the Chinese government's utilization of it in Central Asia.
Based on this, the research is structured into three main sections. The first section provides an overview and theoretical framework of the research. The second section explores China's soft power in Central Asia, including the existing tools and capacities of the Chinese government in this domain. The third section discusses the challenges faced by the Chinese government in leveraging its soft power.
Considering that the main question of the research was how the Chinese government uses soft power as a tool for its expansionist ambitions in Central Asia, it is argued in this research that the Chinese government influences the countries of Central Asia through its soft power tools in cultural, political, and economic dimensions. However, it faces challenges such as the presence of regional and extra-regional powers (such as the United States, Russia, and India), Islamic fundamentalism, and cultural unattractiveness, which hurt its soft power. It can be concluded that China has been able to introduce itself as an influential variable in this region through its economic relations with Central Asian countries, both through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other frameworks. China has attempted to exert its influence on the development and progress of these countries by tying their economies to their own, creating consumer and transit markets, and utilizing the energy resources available in these countries. The Chinese government has placed economic tools as the foundation of its global and regional movements, particularly in Central Asia. In the cultural sphere, despite scholarships for students and the promotion of the Chinese language and Confucian culture, different perspectives, especially in neighboring countries, indicate that Russia and the United States have a relatively more desirable position in terms of China's soft power and influence. In the political sphere, there is authoritarianism in Central Asian countries, similar to China, but civil society and the general public in Central Asia do not find China's soft power politically appealing and prefer the liberal democracy model of the United States. Despite China's efforts to achieve its goals through initiatives such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Belt and Road Initiative, it faces challenges that have affected these initiatives. Russia considers Central Asia its domain and China's presence and influence in this region pass through Russia's channel. The United States identifies China as the biggest threat to its national security and seeks to have an influential presence in the region as an international player. Islamic fundamentalism (terrorism) is another challenge for China. The presence of Chinese semi-military forces in Syria in the form of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and their return to Central Asia and China, creating security crises, makes Central Asian countries a potential center of terrorism in the future. Overall, it can be stated that despite all the progress China has made in this region, the existence of these challenges has affected China's soft power.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Soft Power
  • China
  • Central Asia
  • Culture
  • Economy
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