نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار علوم سیاسی مجتمع آموزش عالی شهید محلاتی(ره)

2 دانشجوی دکتری علوم سیاسی گرایش جامعه شناسی سیاسی دانشگاه باقرالعلوم(ع)



متاثر از کاهش میزان اعتماد سیاسی به عنوان یک واقعیت مشهود در سال‌های اخیر، ایران امروز با معضلات متعددی در حوزه حکمرانی سیاسی مواجه است. بر این اساس، سؤال اصلی پژوهش حاضر آن است که «اعتماد سیاسی در ایران امروز چگونه قابل احیا می‌باشد؟» فرض بر آن است که بازآفرینی اعتماد سیاسی در ایران امروز، علاوه بر تقویت کارآمدی حکومت در ارائه پاسخ معتبر به خواسته‌های شهروندان، منوط به شالوده‌شکنی و واسازی فضای حادواقعیتی است که بر اذهان ایرانیان سیطره پیدا کرده است. با تلفیق رویکرد فرهنگی با محوریت حاد واقعیت ژان بودریار و رویکرد نهادی در قالب نظریه سیستمی به عنوان چهارچوب نظری و همچنین استفاده از روش فراتحلیل با رویکرد سیاست پژوهانه، این نتایج به دست آمده که بازآفرینی اعتماد سیاسی در ایران امروز، علاوه بر تقویت ماهیت تعادلی دولت، حداکثرسازی بهره‌گیری از ظرفیت‌های متکثر جامعه، ترمیم عدالت توزیعی، تسریع در پاسخگویی به تقاضاهای جامعه و تقویت ظرفیت‌های رفرم درونی، در گرو میدان دادن به کنش‌گران مرزی، رؤیت‌پذیرسازی حکمرانی، تقویت نهادهای واسط، تقویت عقلانیت ارتباطی، استخدام نمادهای عام به منظور نمایندگی کردن کل جامعه، ارائه روایت اول از رویدادهای کشور، ضابطه‌مند کردن رقابت نخبگان سیاسی، دقت در وعده دادن از سوی مقامات، تقویت مرجعیت رسانه‌های رسمی و... می‌باشد..



عنوان مقاله [English]

re-creation Political trust in today's Iran

نویسندگان [English]

  • mostafa ghorbani 1
  • mojtaba pashaei 2

1 phd student of tehran university

2 phd student of Political Science, Political Sociology, Bagheral Uloom University

چکیده [English]

Affected by the decrease in political trust as an evident fact in recent years, Iran is fa cing many problems in the field of political governance. despite this, although the issue of political trust has been taken into consideration in sociological research in Iran, so far no comprehensive research has been conducted on ways to restore or recreate political trust in Iran. therefore, in the cur rent research, with the perspective of political sociology, an attempt is made to analyze the ways of re-creating this important issue in today's Iran, referring to the state of political trust in today's Iran. therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze how to recreate political trust in in today's Iran with the approach of political sociology, in order to present the necessary solutions to man age the challenge of reducing the level of political trust, as a very important challenge and at the same time affecting the quality of governance and the future of Iran's developments, while representing this macro issue. therefore, the current research has the nature of research policy.
in this research To achieve this goal, by combining the cultural approach with the acute focus of Jean Baudrillard's hyper reality and the institutional approach in the form of systemic theory as a theoretical framework, as well as using the meta-analysis method with the approach, these results obtained that political trust in today's Iran is a variable whose level depends on the efficiency of the political system in providing valid answers to the demands of the citizens as well as their preferences and subjective perceptions. the latter case is especially affected by the acuteness of the hyper reality formed by the media's pretensions. In today's Iran, Political trust is declining due to the weakness in both mentioned fields. Based on this situation, in order to recreate the political trust in today's Iran, in order to strengthen the five capabilities of the political system in order to respond authentically to the demands of the citizens, the state should define a balancing nature for itself in the administration of the society and not be a part of the political conflict between the elites and political currents. become In this case, the state can make maximum use of the multiple capacities of the society. it is certain that paying attention to this matter is necessary to strengthen the efficiency of the government.
In addition, strengthening efficiency, especially in the field of distributive justice and related to the basic needs of citizens, along with revising some governance methods or turning to some new procedures in the administration of the country, such as giving the field to the border characters, making governance more visible, strengthening intermediary institutions, strengthening Communicative rationality, employing public symbols to represent the whole society not just a specific section or sections, regulating the competition of political elites, accuracy in promises by officials, providing the first narrative of the country's events and strengthening the authority of the official media, in order to take media tools from the hands of foreigners, Strengthening the capacities of internal reform, accelerating the circulation of elites, the rule of law and etc can be effective in recreating political trust in today's Iran.
The important point is that most of the solutions in this field have a functional nature rather than a media nature; Because the hyper reality that has been formed today in connection with Iran and its ruling political system, finds its driving force from the unfavorable objective realities existing in the Iranian society. Therefore, it is with the practical unraveling and resolution of the mentioned facts that the current reality is overturned.
Finally, it is suggested that other researchers study other dimensions and angles of this issue, such as the futures studies of the state of political trust in Iran, the impact of socio-cultural changes on the state of political trust in today's Iran, the impact of the state of the country's foreign relations on the level of political trust, and also the impact of political elite conflicts on To analyze the level of political trust in today's Iran and etc.

Keywords: Political Trust, System Theory, Hyper Reality, Meta-analysis, Efficiency, Equilibrium Nature of Government, Communicative Rationality.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Political Trust
  • System Theory
  • Hyper Reality
  • Meta-analysis
  • Efficiency
  • Equilibrium Nature of Government
  • Communicative Rationality