Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Shiraz University

2 LLM of Political Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


     Intellectuals are one of the important efficient social forces in political processes and policy making at sovereignty level. Besides they are one of the important and influential reference groups that give shape to public opinion. In Iran in 19 century, with civilizational collision with the West was shaped the intellectual mainstream under the impacts of Iran’s socio-political developments. In this research, the authors try to explain the reasons and factors of intellectual’s transition from democratic ideas and beliefs to the idea of authoritative state in two time periods of constitutionalism and Pahlavi by using explanative method and knowledge sociology and romanticism. In response to this question, it must be told that in this metamorphosis rooted in socio-political factors in constitutional age such as political anarchy, Protorianism, national sovereignty crisis, non-realization of democratic ideals and principles and public tiredness of socio-political turbulence. The finding of this article shows that the intellectual mainstream in the beginning years of constitutional revolution and its critical situation came to this conclusion that in the absence of authoritative state or government as a main motivation for development, there would be no hope for national sovereignty and development and additionally without authoritative stability, liberties lead to anarchism and national humiliation. 


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