Document Type : Research Paper
1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University
2 Ph.D. Student of Political Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University
odernism is an episteme which is a formation of knowledge formed in a particular period and region of the world. Episteme is also the result of discourse disputes. Therefore, modernism is the outcome of the current discourse disputes in recent centuries in Europe. This approach indicates that the cognition in modernism emerges from structures, rules, customs, power deals, and bio-logic in European human being’s life. This process is a chronologic outcome which changes in the realm of knowledge and is consistent with biological rules. Yet when this episteme, due to some political reasons, enters another geographical region, we notice a lot of dissonances and contradictions. Modern episteme’s Encounter with bio-local structures in non European regions is one of the most important areas of discourse disputes. Naseri era is one of the most important periods in which this kind of battle field can be seen. The article’s problem is about the conflict between traditional rationality at one side and modern rationality at the other side. These issues are based on Michel Foucault’s theoretical system and his discursive approach and genealogy method. Most important findings show how to success or unsuccessful modernism component and explain discourses and their challenges how to effect current development in our bio geography.