Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 LLM of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University


The aim of this paper is to describe the developments which have taken place in the power structure and following that we investigate the impact of such developments on the formation of the competition state. Indeed, in a new power structure, states are no longer considered as the main actors and the only source of political authority, but we have witnessed the emergence of non-state actors which have the significant effects on political outcomes and decisions. Thus, the power structure has been shifting away from the state-oriented approach to power privatization. Moreover, the emergence of the concept of competitiveness is another aspect of the transformation of the power structure. In fact, the competitiveness has been considered as a fundamental target for all states. Hence, the distribution or privatization of power and highlighting the competitiveness in a world politics can affect privatization, marketization and competitiveness of states. Therefore, we have witnessed the formation of a novel state which is known as the competition state. Actually, the competition state is a kind of state which pursues the policies such as privatization, deregulation, encouraging of the innovation and setting up of the companies for Maximization of profits. At the end of the day, we can contend that as a result of pluralization of power in a global system, states are also required to be pluralist.


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