Document Type : Research Paper


The institution of government as a major part of a community in Islam has a special place and in addition to its inherent functions such as the administration and ordering of social affairs, its existence is essential for the desirable achievement of the teachings and doctrines of Islam. However, due to the poor background about the dimensions of the Islamic State, questions and uncertainties about the origin of the state, its structure and its features, and on the other hand the relation between the state and civil society is discussed. Therefore, in order to understand the various dimensions of the Islamic state, familiarity with the state institution of Nabawi and Alawi, as the best historical model of Islamic state and the existence of the innocent Imam at the top of it, is the best source for introducing the Islamic state and explaining its indices to illustrate the desired Islamic state. Therefore, in this research, we tried to examine the different nature and dimensions of the Nabawi and Alawi government in a theoretical framework based on the three conceptual, structural and theoretical approaches with a descriptive-analytical method. Research findings indicate that the Nabawi and Alawi state have, with people’s origin, a mechanical approach in the conceptual arena, and with a small structure, along with a limited definition of its main tasks with a broader scope, refers to a prescriptive and state-centered approach in the theoretical arena.


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