Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 PhD Student of Political Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University


Purpose: Security is one of the major issues that the need for it is felt tangibly and effectively in all aspects of human life and searching for that has an unbreakable bond with the essence of human existence. Political thinkers generally consider security as one of the government’s main tasks. This issue has been of particular position and importance in Islam and designing it in Islamic system has been noteworthy. The Holy Quran considers the security as one of the goals of God sovereignty and the righteous succession. Security in the Holy Quran has several levels which involves spiritual, personal, social and political aspects.
Methodology: In this article, we attempt to examine the concept of political security in epistemic system of Holy Quran by using interpretive works on Quran. This choice is according to division of Islam into three original, theoretical and practical spheres and also known classification of Islam as beliefs, morals and laws, to reach a typology of political security which is theological-intellectual, ethical-psychological and practical-behavioral.
Findings: In this article we argue that in modern political thought the government is responsible for security and taking care of it in anarchic atmosphere. In this view, governments are the major subject of security. Also from the perspective of political sociology, political security can be known as product of social interaction which manifests from interaction between individuals, groups and political institutions. In other words, feeling political security is in fact a form of social production and all the social and political institutions are involved in its formation. So it can be said that feeling political security is a multifaceted and complex concept, because the feeling shapes in a mental and intersubjective space, and because this sense of security is in the political sphere which, according to Max Weber, is the area of power. From his perspective, our understanding of the politics would be a set of efforts to participate in power.
Value: This article concludes that the most important ways and requirements to achieve political security is the cases such as avoiding tyranny and oppression, establishment of justice in society, coping with domestic disrupters and fighting with foreign enemies. It also can be extracted from the presented arguments that in Quran there is a special attention to the action–behavioral aspect of political security, in addition to considering two other aspects which were mentioned before.


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