Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Payame Noor University, Iran
The political analysis of contemporary Iran indicates that cognition of history of Governmentality transition (rational mentality of the State), has serious impact on mentality of social forces towards government. Iranian constitutional revolution had created first doubts about monarchical state and took traditional images about it under question. However, social and political disorders and anarchies at the period of post-constitutional revolution, reformed “governance crisis”, bounded will of transition in governmental rationality and moving to new governmental rationality. This new governmental rationality, reinforced situation for reappearance of totalitarian structure in Reza Shah discipline. Consequently, a new mentalities of monarchy had been affected clergy image and convinced them to adhere sympathetically for revival of absolute government as well as their sympathy for liberty and law in the years of constitutional revolution. Therefore, Iran social and political changes could be modeled in Graph of Sine which is full of willingness to change or acceptance of the authoritarian state. Main question of the article is that: what evolutions clergy mentality has experienced toward Monarchy, as the legitimate state, at the period of post-constitutional revolution?
The main hypothesis, in the framework of Foucault concept of “Govern mentality”, is that clergy mentality of Monarchy legitimacy has been experienced three phases: adherence, criticism, and finally opposition. Accordingly, main goal of the article is to discover transition of clergy mentality of Monarchy, from post-constitutional revolution to Islamic Revolution.