نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دکتری علوم سیاسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران .


پژوهش حاضر درصدد فهم ماهیت و علل بحران‌های دیوانسالاری در ایران از منظر جامعه‌شناسی سیاسی است. این بررسی نشان‌ دهنده آن است که چگونه ماهیت و ساخت دوگانه قدرت در دوره جمهوری اسلامی ایران باعث شکنندگی نظام دیوانسالاری و زایش بحران در آن می‌شود؟  نویسنده با این پیش‌فرض که «بحران دیوانسالاری در درجه نخست بازتاب ماهیت دولت و ساختار انباشت سرمایه آن است»؛ استدلال نموده که ماهیت دوگانه «رانتی/ ایدئولوژیک دولت» در ایران (1400- 1357)، به تدریج باعث «اعوجاج ساختی/ نقشی بوروکراسی»، «افول کیفیت نخبگان بوروکراتیک»، «زوال استقلال نسبی بوروکرات‌ها از سیاست»، «سیطره روح و اخلاق پریبندالیستی»، و در نهایت، پیدایش نوعی «دیوانسالاری شکننده» در جامعه ایران می‌شود که به مثابه حائل بین دولت (به تعبیر وبری) و جامعه عمل می‌کند. این موقعیت حائل شدگی دیوانسالاری، بیش از پیش بحران مشروعیت نخبگان قدرت را تشدید می‌نماید، زیرا دیوانسالاری نه تنها روح توسعه‌طلبانه خود را از دست خواهد داد؛ بلکه در ادامه، به مانعی در برابر توسعه تبدیل خواهد شد. برآیند نهایی این وضعیت، ناتوانی دستگاه دیوانسالاری در ایفای نقش وساطت و ایجاد سازش و تعادلی بین منافع دولت و طبقات اجتماعی از یکسو و عمل نمودن آن به مثابه یکی از عوامل تضاد دولت و ملت، تأخیر توسعه سیاسی و اجتماعی نشان می‌دهد که ضمن تمرکززدایی از ساختار قدرت سیاسی-اداری، مستلزم ایجاد رفرمی اساسی به‌واسطه ارائه مصادیق و جزئیات کارآمد و سالم برای یک نظام دیوانسالاری مطابق قوانین نظام اداری و تشکیلاتی، البته به‌صورت کارشناسی شده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Impacts of State Structure on Bureaucracy Crisis in Contemporary Iran (1979-2021)

نویسنده [English]

  • Fatameh Mirabasi

PhD, Department of Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

چکیده [English]

Regarding the role and importance of administrative organizations on the development and progress of societies, the survey and analysis of bureaucracy in Iran, considering the nature and double structure of power in Islamic Republic from perspective of Political Sociology during the years 1979-2021 is important.
Although bureaucracy after the Islamic Revolution in 1979 has the features of bureaucratic structure in it, under the influence of cultural, political milieu has still some traditional traits and untrue characteristics of previous period. It can be said: despite administrative machinery has extended and its function and quality of personnel and necessary educations are more developed than before, but due to ideological nature of state alongside oil economy and negative effect and deterrent political factors their efficiency has decreased to the detriment of general bureaucratic standards.  In fact, the "lack of efficient bureaucracy" in administrative structures is due to the rule of personal and political considerations, rent-seeking, tendency to extra-legal behaviors and using legal mechanisms, financial instability and disorder, which leads to The blind holes in decision-making, planning, and the independence of the bureaucratic system have become politics and have provided the basis for the spread of corruption and specific bureaucratic crises of the, each of which raises crises inside thereof. The existence of these crises shows inability of bureaucratic system in performing the agency role and creating balance between the state revenue and social classes on the one hand and its action as one of the factors of conflict between state and nation, and on the other hand show the delay of political and social development which necessitates the ground for fundamental reforms in not only administrative structure but also in the way and amount of supervisory institutions' action.
Hence, the present paper to answer how the nature and twofold structure of power in the IRI era lead to vulnerability of bureaucratic system and crisis generation? Two central target which supplement each other are: first, ideological nature of state; second: the rentier nature is surveyed, recognizing the bureaucratic system to remove crises suggestions could be offered.
Materials and Methods
This research is aimed at understanding the nature and causes bureaucratic crises in Iran in the eye of political sociology, which by standardizing the theory of Weber's ideal bureaucracy and by descriptive-analytical method deals with examining all effective grounds in improving quality or creating bureaucratic crises in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Results and Discussions
Oil is no per se the cause of the inefficiency of any state. It is the way of spending oil that can have harmful effects. Oil income can lead to economic growth when it is spent on investment and infrastructure development. But if it is spent on current and unnecessary expenses, in addition to the expansion of demand, it has many harmful effects, including chronic inflation. Of course, a lot of losses from inefficiencies and incorrect measures are covered by oil revenues. In this way, oil revenues temporarily alleviate the problem of systematic inefficiency and pave the way for the ideological totalitarian state. Although, during the era of the Islamic Republic, the modern bureaucracy grew increasingly. However, due to oil revenues and systematic and all-round manipulation of the state, the space for rent and systematic corruption became conducive. A closed oligarchy at the top of the administrative hierarchy created a difficult coexistence with the basic propensities and requirements of an industrial and growing society. Instead of being the arbiter and supervisor of the interactions between the private sector and the market, the officials themselves became powerful economic actors and, accordingly, important political actors, which resulted in nothing but economic and social chaos.
However, twofold nature of "ideological/rentier" state gradually leads to "structural distortion/functional bureaucratic"," declination of bureaucratic elite quality", "predominance of spirit and morale of prebendalism", "growth of bureaucratic bourgeoisie" and finally emerging a kind of " brittle bureaucracy" acting in Iran's society as an obstacle between the state and society. This situation of bureaucracy as an obstacle intensifies the crisis of elite power legality, since bureaucracy not only has lost its spirit of development seeking but also has turned into an obstacle against development. The final resultant of this situation, despite the agency crises or agency oriented and the structural and functional crises in bureaucracy system shows inability of this system in performing the role of intermediary and establishing compromise and balance between state and social classes' interests on the one hand and its action as one of factors in conflict between state and nation, delay of political and social development that meanwhile decentralizing the structure of administrative political power, entails creating fundamental reform by offering efficient and healthy instances for bureaucratic system according to administrative laws, of course, expertized.
Although the structure of bureaucratic system in Iran concerning hierarchy of power and division of labor to some extent is similar to Weber, regarding following the rules and laws, specialization meritorious rearing and non-personal relations establishing ideal bureaucracy entail necessary principles and requirements. Organizational members are far from Weber's rational model most of which in today's Iran circumstances concerning twofold nature rentier/ideological and emerging a closed oligarchy aren’t available. Hence to emerge Weber's bureaucracy in Iran, it is imperative, in addition to key elements that contribute to evaluate the bureaucratic function, a supporting system is established for governmental officials through internalizing "employment based on merits" through competitive surveys and recognizing the sources of talents and inviting talented people in the organization. This matter entails decentralizing the level of state organizations. This matter leads to facilitate and speed up in decision making, responsibility of each executive organization to another executive organization; increasing sound competition between executive managers, and meanwhile decreasing dominance of manners and spirit of prebendalism raises the level of quality in bureaucratic elite and increases development in all levels and by approaching state to nation causes to increase transparency and responsibility in the administrative and political system and prevents emerging bureaucratic crises and forming brittle bureaucracy.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Rentier state
  • Ideological state
  • Bureaucratic crises
  • Brittle bureaucracy
  • Administrative organizations
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