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State studies journal is a double-blind, peer review and open access journal published by Allameh Tabataba’I University as a leading university in humanities and social sciences in Iran, in cooperation with the scientific association of political sciences of Iran and State Studies scientific hub. This publication was found in order to provide and intellectual environment for national and international researchers with a focus on political science issues. This publication was published in response to the process made in the field of government studies and its purpose is to publish quality articles that report findings related to important political science issues.

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Political Science
The Pathology of the Role of Agents in the Realization of the Islamic State from the Perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei

Elaheh Sadeghi

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in February 1978, the Islamic Republic was founded on two core principles: divine sovereignty and popular sovereignty. One of the most important ideals of the Revolution was to establish an Islamic state that would implement the laws and rules ...  Read More

Political Thought
Political Theology of the" Tekyeh Dowlat "

Reza Javid

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction The Takyeh Dowlat, a significant architectural structure from the Naseri period, played a crucial role in the development of political theology during both the reign of Nasir al-Din Shah and the Constitutional Revolution in Iran. Allegorically, the building can be seen as representing the ...  Read More

Political Sociology
Semiotics of modern consumption in today's Iran and its effect on the nature and function of the state

Mostafa Ghorbani

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction The prevalence of modern consumption in recent years is a significant phenomenon and an environmental factor that has influenced both society and politics. Although modern consumption has been somewhat addressed in sociological research in Iran, it seems there is no serious research about ...  Read More

Political Science
The Japanese Constitutionalism in the Nineteenth Century: The Spirit of Tradition in the Statue of the Modern State

Nozar Khalil Tahmasebi; Ahmad Naghibzade

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction Analyzing the transition of countries from traditional governance to modernization is crucial in political, historical, and sociological studies. The 19th century was a pivotal period for Eastern nations because they were grappling with this transition. Countries like Japan, India, Iran, ...  Read More

Political Sociology
A Methodology for State Studies: Assessing the Appropriateness of Causal Layered Analysis for Futures Studies of the State

Aboulfazl Delavari; Negar Ghanavati

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction The state, as one of the most sophisticated social phenomena, has been a central focus of philosophers and scholars for centuries. From ancient times to the present, philosophical reflections and empirical research have produced an extensive and rich body of literature on the nature, typology, ...  Read More

Public and International Law
The Independence of the Guardian Council in Iran: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Justice Institutions in Germany, Egypt, and Algeria

Rohola Alidadzadeh; Mehdi Rezaie

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction The degree of independence of the Guardian Council is one of the most critical issues in Iran’s legal and political system. The more independent the Guardian Council, the higher the quality and effectiveness of its decisions concerning other institutions. Therefore, the governance ...  Read More

The State
International State-Building and the Crisis of Political Transition in Afghanistan (2014-2021)

Alireza Samiee Esfahani; Sara Farahmand

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


    Introduction On August 15, 2021, in a strategic shock, the Taliban entered Kabul to seize power after a cascading crisis triggered by the Western military withdrawal and the reluctance of the Afghan government and its national security forces to engage in military conflict. The question arises ...  Read More

Political Thought
The Influence of Machiavelli’s Theories on the Founding of the United States of America

Sadegh Saffarzadeh; Mohammad Javad Gholam Reza Kashi

Volume 10, Issue 37 , May 2024


  Introduction Historians and political scientists have long debated the key influences of the Founding Fathers of the United States in establishing the government and drafting the Constitution. Thinkers like John Locke, Montesquieu, Algernon Sidney, and James Harrington are frequently cited, yet the ...  Read More

The Roots of the Arab Spring and the Domino Effect of Collapsing Arab Regimes; the Determining Role of Short-Run Factors and Political Management

Seyed Mohammad Ali Taghavi

Volume 3, Issue 11 , December 2017, , Pages 1-26


  Between 2010 and 2013, during what was called the Arab Spring, the Arab world witnessed a wave of popular uprisings that led to the overthrow of four governments (in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen), serious difficulties for three states (in Bahrain, Jordan and to some extent, Saudi Arabia), and a civil ...  Read More

Gender Policy in Contemporary Iran: The Role of State in Changing the Status and Rights of Women (1891–2013)

Elaheh Sadeghi

Volume 7, Issue 27 , December 2021, , Pages 59-87


  Gender policy in contemporary Iran has experienced many fluctuations, but it has generally brought about significant changes in the status of women. The question of this article is focused on political factors, especially the role of state, in these changes. Using a historical–comparative method, ...  Read More

Military Diplomacy: A New Strategy for States in Pursuit the Foreign Policy Goals

Hadith Asemani Kenari; Seyyed Mohammad Tabataba'i

Volume 6, Issue 23 , December 2020, , Pages 219-256


  For a long time, the only solution to ending disputes between countries was war on the battlefield and military option. In the midst of these wars, the most important military strategies were born and often used in other battles. But over time, states have found that warfare is a very costly activity, ...  Read More

Securitization of the Corona Virus and Adopting State Restrictive Measures in the Fight against the viral Pandemic (Case Study of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia)

Nima Rezaei; Saeed Mirtorabi

Volume 6, Issue 22 , September 2020, , Pages 107-140


  Various governments around the world have put tough restrictive measures on the agenda to combat the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Actions that are unbearable for people under normal circumstances. These restrictive measures and extraordinary means have so far been accepted by the public (despite popular ...  Read More

The State
The Foundations and Indicators of the Islamic State from the Perspective of Majestic Ayatollah Khamenei

Elaheh Sadeghi; Samaneh Movahedi

Volume 9, Issue 33 , May 2023, , Pages 195-222


  In 1978, the Islamic Revolution achieved victory with the aim of fighting injustice, oppression, tyranny, establishing security, freedom, independence, and most importantly, forming a single nation. After the victory of the revolution, the first Shiite democratic system was established under the title ...  Read More

Welfare State, and the Binary of Social Democracy/Liberal Democracy
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 May 2020


  In recent modernity era, especially between big war and the annihilation of communism, the most important political division in democratic countries has been the duality of Right/Left. Often the two biggest rival parties, apart from their different names, have been representing two tendencies, the social ...  Read More

The Dialectical Dilemma of the Iranian Intellectual: Statism or Anti-statism

Seyed Majid Hosseini; Vahid Asadzadeh

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 20 February 2020


  In this article, after the Constitution, Iranian intellectuals on the basis of which institution or field should be considered for the cause of modernization, civilization, development, or other related concepts are divided into two groups. The first group considers the state the cause for development ...  Read More

The Relationship between Political Structure and Political Development in the First Pahlavi Period Based on Bernard Crick's Model

Morteza Manshadi; Sara Akbari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 May 2020


  Political development, in the sense of expanding partnerships and ideological competition in the political arena, at least at the elite level, requires institutions, organizations and developments in the structure of traditional society. In the first Pahlavi period the programs for the modernization ...  Read More

The Legal Personality of State in the Sassanid Era

Parham Mehraram; Mohammad Seyed Fatemi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 February 2020

  < p >There has been valuable research on the socio-political structure of the Sassanid era. Most have described Sassanid society as an example of feudal or authoritarian Eastern societies. But the historical evidence is not entirely consistent with these two theories. It seems that the existence of a ...  Read More

The Constitutionalist States: Study of New Division of Constitution and the Concept of Dual Freedoms

Masoud Raei Dahaghi; Alireza Asadpour Tehrani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 May 2019


  Due to the developments in social relations in modern societies, and in particular the importance of restrictions on the political power of governments, the rule of people and the protection of individual rights and public freedoms as the foundations of constitutionalism and constitutional rule, it seems ...  Read More

The Nature of State in Schopenhauer's Political Thought

Somaye Hamidi; Hashem Ghaderi

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 20 February 2020


  Opinion on the concept of state has a deep root in the history of western political thought. Although there have been brief and marginal studies in this area in ancient Greece, we notice more attention to the concept of state and its coordinates since the Renaissance. Germany, during eighteenth century, ...  Read More

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